Kate Hawkins

Kate is the owner and creator of Greenstone Retreat in Kumara which is fast becoming “THE” West Coast Holistic Healing Retreat. Greenstone Retreat is an enchanting wellness retreat on the edge of Kumara village with a range of therapies, healers and facilitators using the EVOLve studio and Healing hut.

Kate is a qualified personal trainer and sports therapist (Diploma with Premier Training UK in 2000) and yoga teacher. Kate has many years of yoga practice and study behind her and completed a 350 hour level 1 teacher training with My Health Yoga in 2019. In 2021 Kate completed her Yin Yoga Teacher training and 2023 finds Kate studying again with the Level 2 teacher training in progress. Kate has also completed her level 1 reiki and will continue with level 2 in 2024.

Kate offers individual and group yoga sessions including personalised home programmes and follows the 8 limbs of yoga from Patanjali's yoga sutras. Yoga asana (postures) used in a range of styles including hatha, yin, flow and restorative can help strengthen, stretch and relieve the body of aches and pains, improve flexibility, prevent injury and move stagnant energy. Sound healing, mindfulness, meditation, breathwork, ceremonial cacao, philosophy and relaxation techniques are used to help restore the balance and union of body, mind and spirit, reduce pain and discomfort, increase energy, support mental health and improve quality of life.

Each class/session is uniquely intuitive. Classes and individual sessions are suitable for beginners upto intermediate and held in a safe, supportive and beautiful new purpose built EVOLve yoga studio at Greenstone Retreat.

There is also a multi wave oscillator (a human battery cell recharger) available. These copper coils send broad spectrum frequencies to each other to reenergise cells to optimum to improve the bodies ability to heal and regenerate itself.

More information on the website www.greenstoneretreat.nz

Kate Hawkins
Greenstone Retreat
45 Greenstone Road,
Kumara, West Coast
New Zealand 7832